How To Start Living A Healthy Lifestyle?

Most of us rarely give a second thought to living a healthy lifestyle, and even less about how to do it. So, to know how to start living a healthy lifestyle, we first need to clarify what it is or looks like.

For our purposes, which generally agrees with what the WHO has to say about a healthy lifestyle, it means:

To live as close to complete physical, mental, and social well being as possible.

In fact, it’s beyond the idea of the absence of disease or illness. We all know plenty of people who are free from the existence of illness, who have never given a thought to their life or health tomorrow.

How To Live A Healthy Lifestyle?

Living out a healthy lifestyle includes what you eat, regular exercise, preventive medicine, your work environment, some degree of thought to the environment of the world, and social interaction.

More than anything, it’s living with thought of tomorrow and living on purpose. It’s giving conscious thought and attention to how your life will look tomorrow — instead of letting day to day circumstances control your life and well being.

Below are my Top 7 Healthy Lifestyle Tips

1. Connect with other people

It’s important to be social and have meaningful relationships with other people.

You need people in your life. People to share laughs and hurts with, but that’s not all the people you need. You also need to pursue relationships with people who seem to have more of what you want than you do, whatever that is at the time.

This gives you an opportunity to see what it looks like to be where you want to go, and to be inspired by others to move into higher places in life, mentally, spiritually, and financially.

2. Continue the learning process

Living a healthy lifestyle is about never getting to some point in life and getting off the bus. It’s all about continuing to learn and grow in every department of your life. The day you stop learning new things and pushing forward, that’s the day your lifestyle really ends.

Always keep your mind active by learning new skills and new hobbies. Something to keep a challenge in front of you. When you are learning and stretching yourself, you are teaching yourself that the gift of life is still important to you.

3. Stay active

Don’t think you can be a couch potato and live healthy. Plant a garden, buy a motorcycle, go fishing, it doesn’t matter what as long as you are staying active physically, and mentally.

Some sort of regular activity in your life continues to give you something to look forward to doing. You can plan regular weekend trips, or vacations, and be sure you are not missing any social outings.

Staying active means getting out of the house and doing something to keep you looking forward to living life to the very fullest. It keeps your body and your mind active when you’re always looking for new possibilities.

4. Be aware of the world around you

There’s no way to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle without being extremely aware of what’s going on in the world you live in. Keep your eyes, and mind, open to see what your community and the world at large is doing, and what it needs to be healthy.

A healthy lifestyle is part of a healthy family, a healthy community, a healthy society, and a healthy world.

Get involved in all of the social activities that you can. Be an active part of a church, some benevolent organization, social clubs, civic clubs, garden clubs: do anything that is continually broadening your horizons.

5. Give something away

Altruism is a concern for the welfare of others, and there is something about giving unselfishly that will uplift you from the depths of your soul.

Giving something away doesn’t have to include money, and it doesn’t have to be for the needy, even though that’s important. Just be sure that your are regularly giving your time, your money, and something of your self to get the most out of life.

6. Have an attitude of gratitude

Be grateful for what you have in life

Make it a lifelong habit to mentally go over everything you have to be grateful for every single morning before you get out of the bed, it will change your life.

7. Stay physically fit

Life is just more fun when you are healthy and physically fit, and you’ll fare better if you make “heath consciousness” a regular part of your vocabulary.

When you are health conscious, you won’t be spending your life on the latest diet, because you will eat healthy, you will know what a healthy diet is, and you will be living a healthy lifestyle.

Regular exercise and proper sleep is a part of healthy living, so make it a part of your regime to maintain good health. A healthy lifestyle winds up being all about practicing healthy habits until they become you.


It doesn’t look like living a healthy lifestyle is normal for most of us, and it sure doesn’t look like helping others live a healthy lifestyle is normal, but who wants to be normal.

Living life with good health and the good of other people on your mind with always enrich your life beyond what you ever dreamed.

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