Best Foam Rollers for Muscle Pain and Soreness

icon image man who needs the best foam rollers for muscle pain and soreness

If you know the aggravation of aching muscles and sharp spots in your shoulders and back, foam rollers can be a game-changer. If your legs are sore after a run, or playing sports, these devices will put the fun back in what you love. Work at a computer desk all day?

Do Foam Rollers Work For Sore Muscles?

man swearing to tell the truth about foam roller massages for pain relief

Foam rollers are thought of as tools for recovery and performance aids in the fitness world. However, foam rollers do work for sore muscles just as well for people who couldn’t give a hang about fitness. Both groups know they are amazing when it comes to pain relief and soothing sore and aching muscles. In … Read more

What Does a Foam Roller Help With?

a purple foam roller for pain relief

Foam rolling is nothing new, but what does a foam roller help with? The answer is simple, and straight forward: Foam rollers help relief muscle pain and soreness. You see them anyplace sports equipment is sold along with gyms, physical therapy clinics, and living room floors. Everyone from runners to office workers have caught on … Read more

Low Impact Exercise Fitness Guide

Low Impact Exercise Fitness Guide

When you think about low impact exercise you may think seniors race walking down the sidewalk. And sure, low impact fitness can be good for seniors and it can include race walking. However, it can include so much more than that. Low impact fitness is literally fitness that doesn’t result in repetitive impact on your … Read more

How Often Should I Go To The Doctor?

How Often Should I Go To The Doctor

How often you should go to the doctor is a fairly common question, and I can only assume the real question is whether or not you need a physical every year? Do You Need a Physical Every Year? These days, most of us have insurance, so money shouldn’t pose a problem, right? People aren’t usually … Read more

What Is Low Impact Exercise?

What Is Low Impact

Knowing what low impact exercise is can help save your joints, and keep you mobile to stay fit. In a nutshell, exercise can be divided into two groups: high and low impact. Both are great for getting fit, getting in shape, and losing weight-if that’s your goal. Low impact just means how hard your body … Read more