Do Complementary Therapies Work?

We are so indoctrinated with prescription medicines and surgery that many people seem to think anything not advertised on TV is witchcraft when it comes to health and well being. So, it’s not unusual at all to ask if complementary therapies work.

Most people have heard of things like acupuncture, herbal remedies, or yoga that often promise relief and better health, but do they deliver? Complementary therapy has a very high success rate for a lot of different health problems, especially when it comes to things like chemotherapy and other treatments that take a toll physically, mentally, and emotionally.

What is Complemtary Therapy?

Complementary therapy is a term that refers to anything classified as “alternative medicine” that’s used alongside conventional medical practices.

It’s that word “alongside” that makes it complementary rather than all-encompassing.

These therapies are used to enhance the positive effects, or diminish the negative effects of traditional medicine. Not, to replace traditional or more conventional practices.

You can use almost any alternative medicine or therapy, including energy therapies, to complement traditional methods. They don’t replace those methods, but they can help relieve symptoms and side effects.

The use of complementary therapies to assist and promote the effectiveness of conventional medicine is becoming more and more mainstream.

Do Complementary Therapies Work?

Absolutely! They can be effective for many people when it comes to stress relief, pain management, and overall well-being. When used in conjunction with modern medical treatments, these therapies can help make life worth living again.

You’ll see for yourself in this post how these methods work and why they can help with many health problems.

Cancer and Chemotherapy

Complementary really stands out when it comes to lessening some of the terrible pain and discomfort associated with cancer.

People are using these Holistic health care therapies to lessen some cancer symptoms and, in particular, to lessen the side effects of cancer treatment.

As I am sure you know, the side effects from chemotherapy can be terrible. Even though chemotherapy can be an effective treatment that increases the survival rate of cancer patients-the side effects are often numerous and unpleasant, to say the least.

Many cancer patients find that complementary therapy can help them endure the trauma of chemotherapy treatment. Using one of these types of therapy helps to lessen the toxic effects of the much-needed conventional medical treatment.

People frequently use acupuncture or herbal medications to manage the side effects of chemotherapy, such as fatigue, headaches, nausea, and vomiting.

Maintaining a Positive Attitude

One of the key components of getting over any cancer or other chronic illness is maintaining a positive attitude.

Sometimes, maintaining a positive attitude when you’re sick from cancer or illness and dealing with the side effects of treatments seems impossible.

This is where the mind-body relationship is crucial to the best possible outcome.

Therapies for relaxation foster positive attitudes.

Do complementary therapies work for staying positive when you’re sick?

Many patients these days are adding complementary health therapies to their regimen. They need something that enhances relaxation and reduces stress to complement their conventional medical treatment.

Not only does this have a positive effect on the healing process, but they now have a general sense of improved health and a feeling of well-being that wasn’t there before.

This is a natural way to feel much more confident and hopeful about the future.

There’s plenty of supporting evidence that when you feel positive about yourself and your future, your stress levels go down. The evidence also concurs that getting rid of stress boosts your immune system, which always aids in overcoming any illness.

Being in Control

When your conventional medicine isn’t working well enough to provide the relief you need, it’s simple to get down and overwhelmed. I can assure you that when you can’t get a handle on how to manage your pain, you feel like you’ve lost control of yourself and your life.

It’s straightforward to think there’s no way out when the doctor is making all the decisions, the pain continues, and you have no control.

In comes complementary therapy. When you find a treatment for pain relief that actually reduces the dosage of conventional meds and drugs, you feel like yourself again and in control once more.

You’ll feel a lot more confident about the future because you’re taking a more active and controlling role in your own recovery and treatment.

Side Effects

Complementary therapies by nature, have fewer side effects than prescription meds. Most prescription medicines and many conventional treatments come with invasive and negative side effects.

Complementary therapies are growing in popularity simply because they are based on more natural and non-toxic treatments for health problems.

As a patient finds a successful therapy that works with their traditional treatments, they start seeing very positive effects. The new therapy often replaces or reduces medication, and their health improves.

The good part is that many physicians are now becoming educated on these alternative and complementary methods. That’s good news because they are getting a handle on which ones will help and which ones will not.

Therefore, it is extremely important that patients seek advice from their doctor before using alternative medicine therapies, particularly in conjunction with other medicines.

Mental Health

The focus of alternative medicine is on the healing of the mind, the body, and the spirit. Therefore, combining it as a complementary therapy with conventional medicine can greatly enhance a person’s overall health and wellbeing.

Complementary therapies such as massage therapy, biofeedback, and meditation reduce stress and help people relax. Art and music therapy are known to alleviate symptoms of schizophrenia and depression by triggering the body’s natural endorphin release.

This also helps patients release long-held, deeply repressed emotions. All of these complementary therapies assist conventional medicine in achieving a better and more stable healing process and outcome for the patient.


The cost of health care is a serious consideration for most patients. Although there are some natural health therapies that are more expensive, many herbal treatments can cost less than prescription medication.

Additionally, there are established complementary therapies that are natural, less invasive, and frequently less expensive than those initially recommended by traditional western practitioners.


In conclusion, my efforts have been to show you how complementary therapies can provide valuable support in conjunction with conventional medical treatments.

These therapies attempt to address physical, mental, and emotional needs while promoting a positive mindset. Patients primarily use them to alleviate symptoms and reduce stress that impacts their mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Of course, if you are involved in treatments now, it’s imperative that you consult with your doctors before embarking on or adding any type of alternative care or complementary practices.

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