Are you taking good care of yourself? We take care of our car, our home, our career, our kids, and a 100 other things. But somehow we forget how important it is to take good care of ourselves. Well, we kind of do, in fact, one of the top New Year’s resolutions that’s repeated year after year is related to taking good care of your health. But, then, who keeps a news years resolution?
Taking good care of yourself is a form of self care. Even though many of us do set New Year’s resolution to be healthier and work on our wellbeing, self care is more than a single goal.
It’s about a long term commitment to your overall health and wellbeing. Rather than a fleeting resolution, personal wellness is a consistent effort. It’s being mindful about nurturing your mind, body, and soul throughout the year with healthy habits
Fostering healthier habits and sticking to them will enable you to live a healthier and more fulfilling life. Self care is an essential task for all year, year after year, not a half baked thought at news years.
Taking care of yourself is taking care of physical, mental, and emotion wellbeing. But, it’s got to be prioritized. And prioritizing you includes:
- Maintaining a balanced diet
- Regular exercise
- Getting enough sleep
- Stress management
Self-nurturing in this way, you will naturally enhance your overall health, boost your immune system, and lower your risk of chronic illnesses. If you add to that list, self improvement practices like mindfulness and relaxation techniques, you’ll see your mental clarity rise, while anxiety goes away.
Taking Good Care of Yourself
We’re going to look at the top six tips for taking good care of yourself and why each is crucial to your staying on top of your wellbeing.
Maybe it’ll help you actually keep that New Year’s resolution this year and get yourself in better health. Implementing these 6 tips into your lifestyle today will affect the rest of your life, so lets get started.
1) Get Enough Sleep
The first step you can take to better your health is ensuring that you get the proper amount of sleep.
Proper rest is essential to your whole health and in ensuring each and every part of your body functions properly. Believe it not, cutting your sleep short can cause hunger at night. Living a living a happy and healthier life starts with enough quality sleep.
Doctors recommend an average of seven to eight hours of sleep each night for the average adult. That being said, each person is different and the amount of sleep a person needs could vary for each person.
Too little sleep can affect your focus, mood, concentration, memory, libido, immunity, and even your judgment. If you have trouble getting the proper amount of sleep your body needs to function, you can consult with your doctor about potential treatment options.
2) Exercise Regularly
Exercise can obviously help to better your health.
It can make you stronger, help you stay at a good weight, improve your mood, and increase your energy. It can help you boost your immune system and improve your ability to work any illnesses or infections out of your body.
Exercise will keep your muscles and joints flexible and fluid to keep you mobile as you age. Regular physical activity keeps your metabolism up and your weight down. And it doesn’t have to be complicated. Walk, jog, run, go to the gym, or hike. Just take your physical well-being seriously.
A good and effective exercise routine is crucial. You also have to keep at it regularly, not just do it as you feel like. You won’t reap the benefits if you don’t take it seriously.
3) Eat Properly
Your food is your fuel and it’s an essential part of keeping all parts of your body functioning properly.
This means avoiding foods that your body doesn’t agree with, be it due to an allergy, indigestion, or intolerance. It also means ensuring that you get the proper nutrition.
And proper nutrition does not include refined sugar and flour. Eating sugar is not self love, it can be responsible for all sorts of health issues. Research now proves that sugar can be responsible for obesity, heart diseases, and diabetes.
We all know that sugar contributes to tooth decay. Sugar causes energy spikes and crashes that negatively affect your emotional wellbeing.
Taking good care of yourself demands an awareness of how your diet can affect your health, energy level, weight, focus, sleep, and much much more.
4) Stay Hydrated
Water is an essential part of ensuring you stay healthy and life a healthy lifestyle.
Water fuels us and helps us to thrive. All of our organs, including our skin, require a decent amount of water to function as they’re meant to.
Doctors recommend that adults consume at least eight, eight-ounce glasses of water each day, but those with certain levels of physical activity and those who are of a larger size may need to consume more water than that each day.
To help you get in the habit of drinking more water, you can start by simply adding just one extra glass of water to the amount you drink each day. It can also help to invest in a water bottle and carry it with you everywhere you go. This will help you always have water around whenever you need it, helping you stay hydrated.
5) Pay Attention to Your Mental Health
Many people disregard taking better care of their mental health.
They either deny the problem or expect it to just go away on its own. While it may go away on its own in some cases, it won’t always. You have to take care of your mental health as well.
Most any form of meditation or self reflection can help improve your emotional and mental health. A few minutes a day practicing mindfulness or mediation can help with reducing stress, worry, and anxiety. Meditation is one of the great relaxation techniques that’s free and works for any age, anywhere.
There are many warning signs your body will give you that indicate it may be time to take a mental health day or seek professional assistance in getting into better mental health. There’s no shame in seeking out a therapist or talking to your doctor when necessary, it’s a step in the right direction.
6) Don’t Ignore Your Dental Health
Dental health is often the last thing we think about when we consider our health.
However, poor dental health can lead to all sorts of problems throughout the body, not just in the mouth. You need to keep up with regular dental visits, check-ups, and teeth cleanings to ensure your dental health is the best it can be.
When was the last time you considered how well you’re taking care of yourself? Are you listening to your body and doing what’s best for your health or are you ignoring it because you’re too busy?
Don’t depend on gym memberships and pills to keep you healthy.
Most people would like to stay healthy, and know diet and exercise are important, but few actually pursue good health.
Sadly, the vast majority of people get interested in a wellness routine only after they endure a serious illness or know someone who did.
Then most of those people wind up involved with the health and diet industry which is mostly after money, and not always honest with the information they have on hand. They are out to capitalize on the idea of getting in shape and losing weight fast.
However, you don’t need pills, and paid solutions to stay healthy, fit and enhance your personal growth. Even though home gym equipment is great to own, especially for cardio exercise, you don’t have to spend any extra money to stay in top shape for life.
Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight can be a permanent solution when you implement good wholesome foods into your diet, and include most any physical activity into your life. Take a premium multi-vitamin, eat good, and exercise. That’s really the answer to taking good care of yourself.